Client: AAF Raleigh-Durham
Role: Addy Chair, Marketing, Design, Programming, Print Production
The Addys are a national event that celebrates creative excellence and the true spirit of advertising. It is presented by the American Advertising Federation (AAF). In 2006, I was named the Addy chair for our local chapter, AAF Raleigh-Durham. The Addy awards start at the local level, moving on to Districts, and then to Nationals. This was a major undertaking and a wonderful learning experience. I truly enjoyed it and might even do it again someday. Maybe… lol.
The event was planned out a year in advance, gathering sponsors and a solid team to start. Mike Allen, then at RBW, offered up their creative services for the promo materials. Graphic Artist, Vanessa Hastie and Copywriter, Stevie Maple took on the challenge and provided the concept that was used. Bill Pridgen of EBC Creative Services provided the illustrations of the gods used in the pieces.
The brand is made entirely of vector shapes with halftones and uses 3 spot colors – Black, Pantone 7427 (red), and Pantone 871 (metallic gold). Only the showguide is 4C, plus a 5th spot color for the metallic. This allowed us to provide full color ads to our sponsors. All of the printing was donated by Joseph C. Woodard Printing Company.
I created the showguide and a slew of other materials from this core group of print pieces, ranging from the Power Point presentation for the awards ceremony, email blasts, to print ads that ran in the Indy and Triangle Business Journal.
The 2006 Addy awards generated a substantial amount of income for the club, almost half being profit. This enabled the club to expand their community outreach and provide better services to their members. It is the highest grossing AAF Raleigh-Durham event to date.